Apply for a Job in Removals 

    * = Required Field


    Preferred Position i.e. truck driver, offsider, packer, warehouse etc.*:

    Your Surname*:

    Your Given Name*:

    Street Address*:




    Home Phone Number:

    Mobile Phone Number*:

    Your Email*:

    Date of Birth:


    Languages Spoken (please list):

    Country of Citizenship:

    Residency Status*:

    Are you Permitted to Work in Australia?*

    Do you have a Tax File Number?*

    Do you have an Australian Drivers Licence?*

    Have you ever been convicted of any criminal offence?*

    Are you on a prohibited list for working with children?*

    Please attach your CV below. Accepted file types: PDF, doc, ...
    Please ensure you include in your CV your education details, previous employment, references including contact details, and details of any professional or trade organisations.